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Digital rant:

David Jolley

Moves to conduct most business, including that concerned with health and care, using computerised internet systems are divisive – and are preferentially disadvantageous and hazardous to older people, people with dementia or any condition limiting cognition, and the less well-off: Digitalisation of services and money is creating a two-tier society | Letters | The Guardian

Where health or social care go full throttle into the digital mode – with reliance on amps, complicated digital phones and such – it may look impressive – modern, quick and inexpensive once you have the equipment and can pay the rental – but it is designed for bright young people – whereas the need is amongst older, less well people – by definition.

There is realisation of the hazards of being lured along this track: Essential services websites in UK ‘should be accessible to all’ | Social exclusion | The Guardian

And the beginning of a fight back: Home - Digital Poverty Alliance

An example in the past week has been the proposal to close rail ticket offices – to streamline the service and save money: Boris Johnson backs plans to close ticket offices as fresh rail strike talks loom | Rail industry | The Guardian

It follows in line with the loss of many local post offices, banks and libraries. What these local facilities offer or offered is the presence of a human being who can listen and help people find what they need – partly important for the information which is passed, but also important for the social and wellbeing promotion which the interaction brings – for customer and the professional.

I am not a robot and do not wish to be dealt with as if I am. I am not attracted by Alexa, I will not pay for my shopping via a check-out machine. Human beings have their flaws – but we are human.

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