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Dementia Roadmap - this one.jpg

Hosted by Dementia Pathfinders, the Dementia Roadmap is a collaboration involving health and care commisioners and providers.


About the Roadmap

The dementia roadmap was first developed in 2015 in the context of the Prime Minister's Dementia Challenge 2020, by the Royal College of General Practitioners. 


Initially funded by the Department of Health, the Dementia Roadmap was conceived as a portal for all relevant dementia information to be brought together in one place, for GPs and primary care staff and health and care practitioners to signpost people newly diagnosed and their carers to relevant services in their locality. The Roadmap also included a national repository of higher-level information and guidance on policy, research evidence and best practice, designed for use by commissioners and service developers.


After an initial development period, the DH funding ran out and a subscription model was introduced whereby local commissioners and providers paid for an annual subscription to have a Roadmap hosted. A local editor or an editorial team was identified in each locality. The population of the roadmap was the responsibility of the local editors and the national resource was maintained by a group of dementia specialists with connections to the national dementia programme board. 


In 2018, RCGP commissioned Dementia Pathfinders to host the Dementia Roadmap, continuing with the subscription model and liaising with local commissioners, providers of dementia services, dementia action alliances and third sector organisations. The Roadmap attracted some new subscribers over the following few years, but there were some leavers too. In 2020, during the Covid pandemic, the impetus waned.


For this and other reasons connected with the design and architecture of the original roadmap - it had become unwieldy and outdated - the Dementia Roadmap was retired in 2022. 


In its place, Dementia Pathfinders has implemented a new simplified platform and is inviting partner organisations to support its development. 


There is no direct cost at this stage for being involved, however person power at local level will be needed to help shape and develop the Dementia Roadmap and gather information for local Roadmaps.


Key features:

• A coherent structure reflecting the dementia journey

• Signposting people to existing high quality sources of information

• Accessible and easy to use

• Available on mobile, tablet and desktop devices

For information on how to get a Roadmap in your local area please contact

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