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This online dementia art class includes sessions on painting and drawing favourite and memorable objects, flowers and nature. We use photo prompts and share resources for inspiration.


The service users and carers learn to use pencil and watercolour techniques to paint a favourite flower or a bunch of flowers. Learners also work with mixed media, creating collages of memorable and special places and share these on screen.

Nicola Corrigan

Nicola is an artist, who produces original paintings and designs for interiors. Styles range from contemporary and simplistic to more complex artworks. Nicolas portfolio includes artworks along the following themes; Abstracts, Florals, Nautical, Fish, Shells, Seascapes, Boats, Ceramics, Cakes, Cocktails, Valentine, Paisleys, Butterflies, Tattoo art, Harvest, Bunnies and Christmas.

Nicola has over thirty years commercial experience producing work for Illustration, Packaging, Posters, Textiles, Interiors, Fabric, Paper Goods, Tiles and Ceramic Tableware. She produces her own range of printed and sewn textile products and cards.

Nicola Corrigan.png

Nicola designs and paints mainly from her studio in London. Her teaching practice has included teaching textile design and illustration at art schools and university level. Nicola is a qualified teacher and teaches painting and drawing, arts, crafts, sewing, design, literacy and creative writing to adults and children. Nicola paints in gouache, watercolour and acrylics.

You are invited to join for any or all of the sessions which will be hosted live on Zoom. Workshops run from 11am to 12pm.

To book your place on any of the Art Classes please use the links below::

Tuesday 18th March 2025

Collage: Create a collaged picture of the view from your window. If you prefer add a favourite scene of the seaside or a special memorable place seen through a window. Use magazines, papers, photos, ripped or cut paper, scissors and glue. Pencils and pens if required.  You will see examples and look at the work of the artist Edward Hopper. There will be a tutorial with group class discussion and feedback.

Tuesday 6th May 2025

Draw and Pain with Charcoal: Use charcoal to draw objects such as jars, vases, cups or tea pots. You will learn simple techniques including how to create, shade and build a picture. You will also learn how to blend charcoal by painting using a brush and water.  You will see examples and have a tutorial with group class discussion and feedback.


Tuesday 16th September 2025

Painting and Drawing: Use pencil and watercolours to paint a favourite place. You will learn simple watercolour techniques including how to create, shade, blend and build a picture. You will see examples and have a tutorial with group class discussion and feedback.

Tuesday 14th October 2025 (Part 1) and Tuesday 21st October 2025 (Part 2)

Create a Collaged Memory Box: Use pictures, photos, letters, postcards, images of favourite places, hobbies and interests, cards, notes, newspapers, magazines and wrapping paper. Add words and text. Create a beautiful upcycled memory box.


Tuesday 18th November 2025

Paint an Abstract Painting: Use pencil and watercolours to paint an abstract picture supplied using bright vibrant colours. You will learn simple watercolour techniques including how to draw, design, shade, blend and build a picture. You will see examples and have a tutorial with group class discussion and feedback. We will look at other artists who have used abstract painting.

For further information please contact

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