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Celebrating Age:

David Jolley

Older people and issues of ageing have been addressed in a number of newspaper articles and letters during this week:

This is the week in which we lost Baroness (Sally) Greengross. She has been a great champion for improvement in understanding and provision for older people. There will be many tributes to her. Baroness Greengross, campaigner and advocate for older people, dies leaving behind 'an enormous legacy' ( Gerry Burke and Albert Jewell have written from their knowledge of her: Sally Greengross (

We are reminded that we are categorised as ‘The Silent Generation’ Millennials, baby boomers or Gen Z: Which one are you and what does it mean? - BBC Bitesize

But older people have views and find ways and settings in which to express them: Let’s hear it for the silent generation | Transgender | The Guardian

There is renewed interest from a new study into the relationship between balance and longevity: Balancing on one leg may be useful health test in later life, research suggests | Health | The Guardian. This is something which the good Dr Sheldon of Wolverhampton explored many years ago: brmedj03054-0031.pdf ( Letters confirmed that many older friends spent time on one leg this week – some being alarmed that they might live for a very long time.

Derek Skipper has more interest in a test of other functions – sitting for his GCSE in Maths at the age of 92: ‘I thoroughly enjoyed it’: man sits GCSE maths exam at 92 | GCSEs | The Guardian

Brian Piper of Stithiane in Cornwall is heading a project to bring heat from the ground for the village Pump up the volume: Cornish village to pilot communal grid for green energy | Climate crisis | The Guardian

And eighty year old Sir Paul McCartney held the stage as we remember and look forward: Paul McCartney’s Glastonbury show hailed as ‘phenomenal’ | Glastonbury 2022 | The Guardian

But we are reminded that stress and deprivation make for damage which means that some will not live to a ripe old age, and that we have learned that particular stresses make it much more likely that individuals will develop dementia or related conditions. Carl Hayman played for the New Zealand All Blacks rugby team: He tells the story of the long-term damage which he lives with and will die from Carl Hayman: ‘I was a commodity in rugby. Now I’m paying the price’ | Concussion in sport | The Guardian

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