I am almost overwhelmed by the stories of failure of our services to protect and promote the health of people of all ages, most particularly those who are less well-off:
When we were medical students we were taught that at times of national and international decline, breakdown was preceded by the rise of certain conditions:
Scabies: and we have an epidemic of scabies: Doctors report ‘nightmare’ surge in scabies across UK | Health | The Guardian
Venereal Diseases: and we have epidemics of venereal diseases: Gonorrhoea found to be on rise in nearly every council area in England and Wales | Sexual health | The Guardian
Tuberculosis: TB rates have risen Global tuberculosis cases increase for the first time in 20 years | Global health | The Guardian
We find that the health of young children is worse than it was: The Guardian view on worsening child health: a mandate for change | Editorial | The Guardian
More women are dying in pregnancy: Number of women in UK who die during pregnancy rises sharply | Women | The Guardian
Mental health services are frighteningly inadequate and incompetent: Thousands of mental health patients readmitted within a month in England | Mental health | The Guardian
Dental services have all-but disappeared from the NHS: Bristol dentist: Police forced to manage crowds after HUNDREDS queue for new NHS dental practice (gbnews.com)
People are dying after shorter lives: UK life expectancy falls to lowest level in a decade | Life expectancy | The Guardian
People with dementia: It is a tragic and shameful situation in which some groups are most at risk. These include children under five – and a rallying call is being made. But people with dementia are most certainly at least likely to being neglected by the mainstream services. Do we have a systematic study to investigate this? Families caring for dementia patients in UK reaching crisis point, says charity | Dementia | The Guardian

Each week we post a blog from David Jolley where he shares his personal views on relevant subjects.