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Something old

David Jolley

Not a wedding to have ‘old’ matched with new, borrowed or blue – Though there were somethings made new by crafty hands and plenty of things in blue, others donated rather than borrowed. After a Covid/Lockdown induced gap of three years we were back at the Dunham Village car boot sale for this Bank Holiday Monday.

Our car drivers set off at 7am. We were half an hour behind, but by the time we got there 40 cars and other vehicles were arranged in a horseshoe around the village hall car park, with stalls being rapidly set up – colourful, cheerful and friendly. I could spend the day just looking at those faces – open and, and giving time and appreciation to items which have been passed over by others.

Tools which weigh heavy but do their jobs without a plug or a battery. Pots and pans which are still gleaming but not compliant with the latest induction plates. Prints. Frocks on a rail. 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles. A chiming clock, African drums and carved figures. Stone hot water bottles (resisted). Ordinance Survey maps of places in England and Scotland quite far away from here. I chose one centred on Oban and remembered Spike Milligan being taxed in one Goons show: ‘What are you doing Neddy? ‘I am singing this map‘. ‘Sherwood Forest is five miles long, do-da, do-da ….’

My Oban map speaks and sings of a coastline, rivers – and hills and mountains, the routes taken by ferries to small islands. No Iona – I will need to look elsewhere.

Two books about gardening ‘for the bedside’, one with references to Charlotte Bronte. Six CDs for £2 – Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Stevie Wonder, The Everley Brothers ….. They will be safe enough in the car.

There are refreshments made by local ladies – bacon butties, coffee, tea, rock cakes, scones and chocolate cakes. All profits go to the village fund.

Our cars will make nearly £200 each – from donations given to support the park – but we also gain the warmth of recognition and conversation with people who are usually somewhere else in our lives. Some who have never been to this event before and are beaming at their discovery. Others who have been ghosts unseen because of the lockdowns – perhaps a little older now – but glad to find that this world of yesterday is here today and will be next year too.

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